Struggling with figuring out how an instructor has their Canvas course structured? Making the transition from using everything Google to Microsoft and feeling overwhelmed? Need help reviewing features on Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint? Peer Educators are available to support you in answering these questions and in helping get you oriented to the technology you need to use as a student.
Available in both virtual and in-person options, Peer Educators, UW-Superior students who actively use these systems as students themselves and have been trained to provide support, can meet with you individually and work through any Canvas or Microsoft 365 related struggles you may be experiencing. Peer Educators can help to teach the basics of the systems and walk through the tools and features. They can share their personal tips and strategies for successful use, and things they’ve learned along the way.
Appointment Details
How to Schedule an Appointment on Navigate
To schedule an appointment with a peer educator, please follow the steps below:
- Log onto Navigate using the phone app or browser
- Select “Appointments” from the navigation options
- Select the blue “Schedule an Appointment button, located at the bottom of the screen on the mobile app and the upper right-hand side of the browser.
- Use the first drop-down option to choose “Tutoring”
- Use the second drop-down option to choose “Peer Technology Support” and the type of technology you want to meet regarding.
- You will get the option to chose in-person or virtual at the end of the appointment scheduling process.
- If you have a specific day in mind, you may enter that, otherwise, feel free to select the current days date, as it will show further available times.
- Choose a day and time that works for you. You may also be prompted to select a peer educator at this time if there is more than one available.
- Review the appointment details to ensure everything is correct. Select if this will be an in-person or virtual appointment.
- In the box, “Would you like to share anything else,” please include a quick summary of what you’re hoping to accomplish
- Select the “Schedule” button. You will receive an email and calendar invite with further details.
How to Help the Peer Educator Prepare
Once you schedule the appointment, you will receive an email with appointment details that will contain the Peer Educators email. Sending the peer educator a quick message explaining why you set up the appointment and attaching any screenshots or relevant materials is very useful for the tutor to know what to expect, and what skills or tools to brush up on.
If you are seeking support because you need to use one of the systems for an assignment, please send the peer educator the assignment details. Please note: you and the peer educator will not work on your assignment during the session. The peer educator will help you learn the tools needed in order to complete your assignment.
What to Expect
Each appointment is 30 minutes, and you are more than welcome to schedule back-to-back appointments if you believe you will need more time. During this time, you and the peer educator will discuss pain points, points of confusion, and work through the system you need guidance on.
If the appointment is in-person, you will go to the Educational Success Center, located in Swenson Hall 1025, next to the Writing Center. You will check in at the front desk or with a peer educator in the space, and they will direct you to who you will be working with.
If the appointment is virtual, the Zoom link should be included with the appointment details. If it is not, feel free to reach out to the peer educator, who will be included in the email you receive with appointment details, to request a zoom link. During the Zoom meeting, you will be asked to share your screen while the peer educator guides you through.
What to Bring
If you have a laptop or tablet, bring it! Working from your personal device will be the most useful for you, as the peer educator that you work with might help you set up your device to best suit your needs. Otherwise, we have computers in the space that can be utilized for this service.
This may seem obvious but do your best to come to the session with questions or specific areas in which you would like to explore and learn more. Sometimes if you’re feeling overwhelmed or lost, it can be hard to pinpoint exactly what you want to focus on. The peer educator will be able to ask questions to guide the session if you don’t come with questions or specific areas to focus on.
Not seeing what you need?
Please contact Trish Allen, Tutoring & Testing Coordinator, at tallen12@uwsuper.edu