Get Career Ready
Career Services empowers Yellowjackets to explore career interests, build skills, connect with employers and expand experiential learning opportunities. We strive to provide students with opportunities, connections and resources to identify career goals and develop lifelong career management skills.
Whether through employment, research, volunteerism in clubs and organizations or meaningful everyday interactions within the UW-Superior community, there are a wide variety of opportunities for you to explore and navigate your career journey.

Search. Apply. Get Hired.
Connect to jobs and internships and explore career events.
Start Your Journey
Explore. Build. Connect.
Not sure where to start? We’ve created a framework to help you find the major and career that fits you, along with the tools to build a bridge from classroom to career.

Join. Network. Socialize.
The Link Center hosts events that help to support career services, academic service-learning, internships and more.
Career Guides and Resources
Seek. Learn. Prepare.
Access all our career guides and resources in one place.

Career Closet
Dress for Success
Need professional clothes for an interview? We can help you look your best.
Employer Resources
Recruit. Hire.
Recruit and develop career-ready students while expanding your talent pipeline.