Academic Support

Social, Cultural & Mental Health

Food Insecurity
- Yellowjacket Food Pantry (Swenson 1080)
- Ruby’s Pantry
- Ruth House – (715-392-2833)
- Second Harvest Northern Lakes Food Bank
- CHUM Food Shelf – (218-727-2391)
- CHUM Drop In – (218-726-0153 ext. 209)
- Damiano of Duluth – (218-726-0500)
- Faith United Methodist Food Pantry
- SNAP Benefits
- WIC (Women Infants and Children)
- Salvation Army Food Pantry

Housing Insecurity
- Harbor House Crisis Shelter (for women and families) (715-394-9608, Option 5)
- CHUM Emergency Shelter & Housing Services (for Duluth residents, 218-720-0153, Ext. 211)
- CHUM Warming Center
- Ruth House – (715-392-2833)
Long Term

Financial & Jobs
- UW-Superior Financial Aid Office
- UW-Superior Emergency Funds
- UW-Superior VNSC Emergency Fund
- UW-Superior Alumni and Friends Foundation Scholarships
- Handshake (Job Hub for UW-Superior students)
- Wisconsin Job Center – (715-392-7800)
- Duluth Workforce Center – (218-302-8400)
- GradReady (Financial Literacy Tool)
- Childcare Subsidy

Other Resources & Supports
- UW-Superior Safety and Security
- UW-Superior Parking Services
- Law for Learners (Free, confidential legal help for students)
- Duluth Transit Authority (DTA) U-Pass
- United Way 211
- Nutritional Guidance – Chartwells
- Lake Superior Community Health Center
- Lutheran Social Services
- Northwest Wisconsin Community Agency
- Salvation Army Thrift Store
- UWS Free Store (Old Main 131)
Assistance by Subject
The offices and resources listed below are a starting for the resolution of a student issue. These offices/resources may further refer students for support. Whenever there is not a clear referral source, please contact the Dean of Students at 715-394-8241 or the Associate Dean of Students at 715-394-8243 .
2 | A | B | C | D | F | G | H | I | L | M | N | P | R | S | T | V | W