Stay Connected. Make a Difference.
Engaging with the UW-Superior community doesn’t stop when you graduate. Check out all the resources available to you as an alum. From events and group travel to assisting current students, there are many ways to stay connected and show your Yellowjacket pride.
UW-Superior’s success in providing quality education relies on the support of alumni and friends who believe in our mission. Individual contributions have a significant impact, supporting student scholarships, faculty development, academic programs, and much more. Explore all the ways to support the Alumni and Friends Foundation.
Better Together
The UW-Superior Alumni Association and UW-Superior Foundation are now the UW-Superior Alumni and Friends Foundation. By joining together, and with your support, we will continue to do great work for the benefit of the university and our amazing students and alumni.
Fueled by the belief that we are better together, the Alumni Association and the Foundation unified on July 1, 2024, into one organization and board to strengthen our friend-raising and fundraising enterprises to parallel the aspirational success of the university. We’re honoring the past while recognizing and embracing the future together as one staff and one Board of Directors.
Combining the important missions of lifelong pride and loyalty through alumni engagement and securing, managing, and stewarding philanthropic donations to provide extraordinary opportunities for the university and its students remain our top priorities. As the Alumni and Friends Foundation, we are excited to work with a joint purpose and shared goals.
Have Questions?
If you have questions regarding the new organization or how you can help, please don’t hesitate to contact us:
Jeanne Thompson, Vice Chancellor for University Advancement and Executive Director of the Alumni and Friends Foundation, jthomp51@uwsuper.edu or 715-394-8598.
Heather Thompson, Director of Alumni Relations and Associate Director of the Alumni and Friends Foundation, hthomps9@uwsuper.edu or 715-394-8593.