Select an Element and Support Students
Looking for a fun way to give to the UW-Superior Alumni and Friends Foundation? The Super Donor Periodic Table is an opportunity to support UW-Superior chemistry students by providing funds for scholarships and equipment.

To purchase an element, simply use our secure online giving form. Be sure to select “Other” in the designation dropdown and indicate “Super Donor Periodic Table.” In the “Comments” section, please also indicate whether you would like your donation to go for chemistry scholarships or chemistry equipment.
Elementary Particles

1. up quark: $600 | 16. antimuon: $9,500 |
2. up antiquark: $1,600 | 17. tau: $6,000 |
3. down quark: $1,200 | 18. antitau: $7,000 |
4. down antiquark: $2,200 | 19. electron neutrino: $2,000 |
5. charm quark: $1,600 | 20. electron antineutrino: $3,000 |
6. charm antiquark: $2,600 | 21. muon neutrino: $1,000 |
7. strange quark: $3,200 | 22. muon antineutrino: $2,000 |
8. strange antiquark: $4,200 | 23. tau neutrino: $800 |
9. top quark: $4,000 | 24. tau antineutrino: $1,800 |
10. top antiquark: $5,000 | 25. photon: $5,000 SOLD! |
11. bottom quark: $4,500 | 26. gluon: $1,500 |
12. bottom antiquark: $5,500 | 27. gauge (W) bosons: $1,200 |
13. electron: $6,000 SOLD! | 28. Higgs boson: $15,600 |
14. antielectron (positron): $7,000 | 29. gauge (Z) boson: $800 |
15. muon: $8,500 SOLD! | 30. graviton: $1,000 |
Actinium | Ac | $2,500 | Meitnerium | Mt (Une) | $2,500 | ||
Aluminum | Al | $500 | SOLD! | Mendelevium | Md | $400 | SOLD! |
Americium | Am | $400 | SOLD! | Mercury | Hg | $2,000 | |
Antimony | Sb | $1,500 | Molybdenum | Mo | $1,500 | ||
Argon | Ar | $500 | SOLD! | Neodymium | Nd | $300 | SOLD! |
Arsenic | As | $1,000 | SOLD! | Neon | Ne | $500 | SOLD! |
Astatine | At | $2,000 | Neptunium | Np | $400 | ||
Barium | Ba | $2,000 | Nickel | Ni | $1,000 | SOLD! | |
Berkelium | Bk | $400 | (Hold) | Niobium | Nb | $300 | |
Beryllium | Be | $500 | SOLD! | Nitrogen | N | $5,000 | SOLD! |
Bismuth | Bi | $2,000 | Nobelium | No | $400 | SOLD! | |
Bohrium | Bh (Uns) | $2,500 | SOLD! | Osmium | Os | $5,000 | |
Boron | B | $500 | SOLD! | Oxygen | O | $5,000 | SOLD! |
Bromine | Br | $1,000 | Palladium | Pd | $5,000 | ||
Cadmium | Cd | $1,500 | SOLD! | Phosphorus | P | $500 | SOLD! |
Calcium | Ca | $1,000 | SOLD! | Platinum | Pt | $5,000 | SOLD! |
Californium | Cf | $400 | SOLD! | Plutonium | Pu | $4,500 | |
Carbon | C | $5,000 | SOLD! | Polonium | Po | $2,000 | |
Cerium | Ce | $300 | SOLD! | Potassium | K | $1,000 | SOLD! |
Cesium | Cs | $2,000 | Praseodymium | Pr | $300 | ||
Chlorine | Cl | $500 | SOLD! | Promethium | Pm | $300 | |
Chromium | Cr | $1,000 | Protactinium | Pa | $400 | ||
Cobalt | Co | $1,000 | SOLD! | Radium | Ra | $2,500 | |
Copper | Cu | $1,000 | Radon | Rn | $2,000 | ||
Curium | Cm | $400 | Rhenium | Re | $2,000 | SOLD! | |
Dubnium | Db (Unq) | $2,500 | Rhodium | Rh | $1,500 | ||
Dysprosium | Dy | $300 | SOLD! | Rubidium | Rb | $1,500 | |
Einsteinium | Es | $400 | SOLD! | Ruthenium | Ru | $1,500 | |
Erbium | Er | $300 | Rutherfordium | Rf (Unh) | $2,500 | ||
Europium | Eu | $300 | SOLD! | Samarium | Sm | $300 | SOLD! |
Fermium | Fm | $400 | Scandium | Sc | $1,000 | SOLD! | |
Flourine | F | $500 | SOLD! | Selenium | Se | $1,000 | SOLD! |
Francium | Fr | $2,500 | Silicon | Si | $5,000 | SOLD! | |
Gadolinium | Gd | $300 | Silver | Ag | $5,000 | ||
Gallium | Ga | $1,000 | Sodium | Na | $500 | SOLD! | |
Germanium | Ge | $5,000 | Strontium | Sr | $1,500 | ||
Gold | Au | $5,000 | SOLD! | Sulfur | S | $500 | SOLD! |
Hafnium | Hf | $2,000 | Tantalum | Ta | $2,000 | ||
Hahnium | Hn (Uno) | $2,500 | Technetium | Tc | $1,500 | ||
Helium | He | $500 | SOLD! | Tellurium | Te | $1,500 | |
Holmium | Ho | $300 | Terbium | Tb | $300 | ||
Hydrogen | H | $500 | SOLD! | Thalium | Tl | $2,000 | |
Indium | In | $1,500 | Thorium | Th | $400 | ||
Iodine | I | $1,500 | SOLD! | Thulium | Tm | $300 | |
Iridium | Ir | $2,000 | Tin | Sn | $1,500 | SOLD! | |
Iron | Fe | $1,000 | SOLD! | Titanium | Ti | $1,000 | SOLD! |
Joliotium | Jl (Unp) | $2,500 | Tungsten | W | $2,000 | (Hold) | |
Krypton | Kr | $1,000 | SOLD! | Uranium | U | $4,500 | |
Lanthanum | La | $2,000 | Vanadium | V | $1,000 | SOLD! | |
Lawrencium | Lr | $400 | Xenon | Xe | $1,500 | SOLD! | |
Lead | Pb | $2,000 | Ytterbium | Yb | $300 | ||
Lithium | Li | $500 | SOLD! | Yttrium | Y | $1,500 | |
Lutetium | Lu | $300 | Zinc | Zn | $1,000 | SOLD! | |
Magnesium | Mg | $500 | SOLD! | Zirconium | Zr | $1,500 | |
Manganese | Mn | $1,000 |
Be Creative!
The Chemistry Program also encourages any creative ideas from donors. Some alumni, for example, might want to buy one element together; another group (or individual alumni) might want to buy a compound, rather than an individual element. With this latter possibility in mind, chemists even left extra “wall space” beneath the table in Barstow Hall. Donors can also buy outside physical or abstract objects, such as a distant galaxy, string theory, Einstein formula, Milky Way or a synchrotron.
Dr. Dan Little bought a diradical, trimethylenemethane (TMM), which he says has played a prominent role in his career – starting from his days at Wisconsin State University, Superior.
If you wish to buy a compound or other special object combination, please contact Dr. Michael Waxman.