Parking Maps, Permits and More
The Parking Services office is open from 7:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Feel free to call 715-394-8177 or send an email to parking@uwsuper.edu with questions.
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UW-Superior Parking Services is responsible for coordinating the sale and distribution of parking permits, enforcing parking regulations, maintaining parking lots and assigning parking areas for special events. The office also is in charge of issuing university keys and approving staff and students who may be required to drive for university purposes.
Ample parking is available for students, staff and visitors in the 15 parking lots across campus. Motor vehicle operators are presumed to be familiar with all parking regulations and may only park where they are legally entitled. Signs at lot entrances identify what type of parking is allowed in the lot. Parking regulations are enforced and tickets will be issued to vehicles which are not properly parked. Please review the map of parking lots so you are familiar with where you can park.
Parking Services is an auxiliary unit, which is funded primarily by parking permit fees and receives no tax or tuition dollars.
Parking Maps
- Student Parking Map (Green or Orange Permits Required)
- Faculty/Staff Parking Map (Red Permits Required)
- Faculty/Staff Reserved Parking Map (Yellow/Purple/Blue Permits Required)
- Visitor Parking Map (Temporary Permits Required)
- Visitor Parking Map (Pay via ParkMobile)
- Overnight Parking Allowed Map
- Disabled/Handicap Parking Map
Getting Parking Permits
To obtain your parking permit, complete this application (If nothing happens, check your pop-up blocker). Once the link opens, select Parking from the drop-down menu and click the button. Select the desired permit type and period, then complete the form. Once you have submitted your parking application, you can either continue to uwsuper.edu/ParkingServicesPayments and pay online using the 4-digit registration code on your application or complete payment in person at the Public Safety Building 606 Belknap St. These options will be displayed in step four of your parking application.
Parking permits are also available for processing in person by visiting the Public Safety Building.
Parking permits will begin to be distributed August 1.
*Resident student parking permits will be included in your Residence Life Move-In Packet once payment is received.
Types of Parking Permits
All UW-Superior parking permits (except motorcycle and special single use paper permits) are of the transferable hanging type.
- If the owner of the permit has more than one vehicle, the permit may be used in whichever vehicle is currently being parked in a campus parking area.
- Permits must be hung, clearly visible, from the inside rearview mirror to be valid.
SPECIAL NOTE: Ownership of permits is not transferable.
Never purchase or take a permit from another person as that permit may have been reported as lost or stolen. This would make you subject to violation of state statute UWS Chapter 18.08(8)(a, b, or c)-Misuse of Parking Services, with a possible fine amount of $295.00.
UW-Superior Parking Permits are not valid on City Streets
Faculty/Staff Reserved (Limited space available) – Permits are yellow, purple or blue in color and valid Monday through Friday in their designated reserved area from 7 a.m. to 7:15 p.m. all year.
Faculty/Staff – Available to all university faculty and staff employees. Permits are red in color and allow users to park in red-posted lots.
Student Resident – Available to all students living in a residence hall. Permits are orange in color and allow students to park in any residence hall lot.
Student Commuter – Available to students NOT living in a residence hall. Permits are green in color and allow students to park in any green-posted lots.
Motorcycle Permits issued to motorcycle users – Permit must be displayed from the left rearview mirror or on the license plate to be valid.
Short-Term Permit Issued to faculty/staff, students, workshop/seminar participants, visitors, and guests who wish to park on campus for short intervals. Short-term permits are also color-coded for designated parking lots. Please check your permit color and parking lot sign to ensure you are in the right area. Parking Services is also required to register the make and year of your vehicle and the license plate number.
One time use paper permits – for display on your vehicle dashboard are now also available through UW-Superior Parking Services or directly by special arrangements with certain pre-approved offices on campus
Special Request Permits – Vendors and sales representatives providing services to the university may apply for the appropriate permit from the Parking Services Office. Loading and service access to sidewalks for contractor vehicles.
Contractors responsible for construction and repair work on campus must contact the University Facilities Management Office in the Service Center Building prior to starting work. They, in turn, will contact the Parking Services Office to arrange parking. Contractor permits are required on applicable vehicles and must be parked in accordance with the University Parking Regulations.
Parking Permit Fees
Permit Type | Full Year Price 2024-25 Rates | Semester Pricing | Summer Price |
Regular Faculty/Staff | $203.00 | $107.00/semester | $65.00 |
Faculty/Staff Reserved | $544.00 | $309.00/semester | $127.00 |
Students | $174.00 | $93.00/semester | $55.00 |
*Resident Students | $224.00 | $119.00/semester | $67.00 |
Daily Permit | $6.00/day | same | same |
Weekly Permit | $30.00/week | same | same |
Motorcycle Permit | $4.00 permit fee with parking permit $80.00/year without parking permit | $46.00/semester | $4.00 permit fee with parking permit $32.00/without parking permit |
*Resident student parking permits will be included in your Residence Life Move-In Packet once payment is received.
All applications will be submitted HERE.
You can purchase your permit at uwsuper.edu/ParkingServicesPayments. You will be asked to provide the 4-digit registration number in the online store.
You can also pay in person with cash, check or credit card at the Public Safety Building located at 606 Belknap St. Superior, WI 54880.
Please fill out all information and we will contact you to complete the transaction. We allow you to pick up your permit or specify an address to have it mailed. Permit sales follow the academic calendar and begin August 1st.
Visitor Parking Information
Visitors and guests can pay for parking on their mobile device at designated spots throughout campus. The ParkMobile app is available at more than 420 spaces in seven different lots on campus.
If ParkMobile spaces are unavailable, visitors and guests may obtain a temporary visitors permit from the Parking Services Office for a nominal fee.
Admissions Parking
Prospective students visiting campus are requested to park in the special Admissions Office spaces (permit required) located in Lot 11 near the Yellowjacket Union. If you didn’t receive a parking permit from the Admissions Office, please stop in to obtain one at the Public Safety Building.
Special Event Parking
Visitors attending campus events (such as Athletic Events, Graduation) may park in student (Green) parking lots without being fined/ticketed during the event’s time. Please contact Parking Services prior to arriving on campus to verify free parking.
Disabled Parking
Convenient parking stalls are posted for use by vehicles which display a state disabled license plate or disabled identification card issued by the State of Wisconsin in accordance with section 343.51 of the Wisconsin Statutes or from another state or proper issuing agency that can be verified if necessary.
All university students, staff and faculty vehicles must display a current university permit and a state-approved disabled card/plate when using these spaces.
Disabled spaces are enforced at all times.
- UW-Superior permits are required 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
- Visitors are welcome to park in UW-Superior disabled spaces when displaying their properly issued state-approved disabled card/plate and a temporary University parking permit.
- Visitor’s and/or their sponsor’s are strongly encouraged to contact Parking Services prior to their arrival on campus or as their first stop on campus to request assistance and a temporary parking permit.
Parking Services will assist you in finding the most accessible disabled parking stall near your campus destination and provide you with a campus map if needed.
NOTE: If no disabled parking stalls are available, you may park at a metered space without charge with the proper display of your state-approved properly issued disabled card/plate and a valid University parking permit.
We’re Here to Help
If you have any questions related to parking on campus, don’t hesitate to contact us.