Crush Your Interview

You’ve applied, waited patiently to hear back, and now you’ve been invited to an interview – congratulations! Embrace your interview by preparing in advance. Use this page to interview and respond to job offers with confidence. 

Maybe you’re a little nervous – that’s completely normal! Our preparation tools can help relieve nervous tendencies and help you prepare to Crush your interview! 

Buzz Tip: Preparing for an interview? Check out Stand Out to improve your interviewing skills through practice. You can also request a mock interview appointment with the Career Services team in Handshake

Before the Interview 

Research, practice and planning logistics can help ease your nerves and increase your chances of receiving an offer.


A great precursor to an interview is to research the employer. Gain information about the position and the organization. Speaking in the industry’s language and asking relevant questions about the organization shows your knowledge and genuine interest in the company’s products, services, vision and mission. This helps the employer visualize you in the position. 

Study the position

  • Review the posting carefully: what “buzz” words does the employer use to describe the opportunity? 
  • Understand the job/internship description and understand the responsibilities. 
  • Research whether there are opportunities for training and advancement in the position or organization. 
  • Learn the potential salary range and benefits available if shown.

Learn about the organization

  • Vision, mission or purpose of the organization 
  • Products or services provided 
  • Major competitors 
  • Organizational structure 

Where to research employers

  • Visit the organization’s website 
  • LinkedIn and Handshake 
  • Employer’s social media platform(s) 


When replying to an interviewer, do you open your mouth, but the words just won’t come out? Practicing professional introductions and common interview questions ahead of time will make the interview process feel more natural. Get comfortable with speaking about your strengths and qualifications.

  • Reflect on qualifications, experiences, and transferable skills.  
  • Prepare relevant, appropriate stories connecting desired skills to the position at hand. 
  • Become familiar with the STAR+Learning Method
  • Be mindful of body language and posture. 
  • Reduce nervous habits.

Ways to practice:

Logistics and Planning

Predetermining the logistics of attending an interview can take off a lot of pressure. 

  • Prepare for various types of interviews. Buzz Tip: when you’re invited for the interview, it’s ok to ask about the intended interview format.   
  • Print fresh copies of your resume and bring them in a padfolio or folder 
  • Select interview attire and lay out everything the day before the interview. Unsure what to wear? Check out our dress for success guide and visit the Career Services Career Closet in the Link Center for FREE interview-appropriate clothing .
  • Predetermine time for travel and assess the parking availability. Schedule additional time in case traffic is congested or parking is tight. 
  • Be well rested. 

Day of the Interview

Review the interview strategy guide and ensure the day runs smoothly by following these tips: 

  • Arrive at the interview location at least 15 minutes early to give yourself time to get settled, make any needed personal pitstops, check yourself in a mirror and take a deep breath. 
  • Check in with reception staff. Buzz Tip: always ensure you are courteous and kind to these key staff members who often share valuable insights with the interviewing team.  
  • Silence/turn off phone 
  • Initiate a firm handshake 
  • Establish eye contact with all interviewers 
  • Calm yourself and minimize nervous habits 
  • Smile!  
  • Remember, this is a conversation, not an interrogation. The employer WANTS you to do a great job so they can hire you – they are rooting for you too! 
  • If a question catches you off guard, It’s ok to pause to collect your thoughts and articulate an organized and concise response. 
  • Avoid saying negative things about any individual, previous supervisors or organization.  
  • Remember the STAR+Learning Method 
  • Have two or three questions prepared ahead of time to ask the employer. This shows you’ve prepared and want to learn more about their company and their culture. 

After the Interview

Make a lasting impression by sending a thank-you note to the employer. Leave a thank-you card with the interviewer the day of or send a thank-you email during traditional office hours and within 24 hours after the interview. We’ve created an example thank you message you could use.

Schedule a meeting with a Career Development Manager at any point throughout your voyage via Handshake.

Best of luck with your interview! Stop by or email Career Services and let us know how it went!